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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Housewarming Registry: Really?!! What Do You Think?

My new home, sweet home!
(But not for another 2 weeks!) 
I frolicked into my beloved Sur la Table this weekend to pick up an automatic ice cream maker in red. A staff member there remembered me and asked how things were going. I told her that I had just purchased a new home, was in need of many items and that she'll be seeing more of me soon. The lovely staff member then suggested that I create a housewarming registry so that my friends and family can help me purchase the things I needed or wanted.

A very perplexed look crossed my face. Wedding and baby registry? OK. But a housewarming registry? When I think of housewarming presents I think of small plants, bottles of wine or some kind of food. Perhaps we no longer live in the simple good old days. 

As a typical Libra, I mulled over the idea of a housewarming registry as I gleefully perused the rest of Sur la Table. 

1. Your friends and family probably want to buy you something and might not know what you need, what you already have, your color scheme, etc. You would be saving them time! 
2. If your friends and family know what you want, you won't end of up with plants you'll end up killing (maybe that's just me) or stuff you don't even want. 
3. Not having to deal with gifts you have no use for that will take up room in your basement/garage. 
4. I might never get married or have a baby. This might be my only chance at a registry! And who doesn't like getting stuff?

1. Housewarming parties should be like Thanksgiving - you just show up, eat, drink and be merry.
2. Your friends may feel obligated to get you stuff they didn't think they'd have to get you in the first place. 
3. People with busy lives are taking time out to check out your new home and put up with you bragging about your new digs and talking incessantly about how your floor is hardwood, counters are granite, blah, blah, blah. Do they need to take more time out to bother with your registry?
4. This registry idea just simply sounds foreign. 

What do you think? Housewarming registry- yea or nay? 

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea... BUT registries in general have always felt really weird to me (this coming from someone who had a wedding and baby registry all in one year). I hate making people feel like they need to get me a gift. HOWEVER, with a housewarming registry you're not sending out invitations with where you're registered. It would be more like if someone asks what you need you could direct them to the registry. Personally, I've never had a whole lot of luck with registries in general.... people either get you something you want or ignore it and get you something they THINK you want (that most often you don't). Also, something to think about... a lot of times if you register somewhere you get extra coupons and discounts from that place to compelte your registry. I bought half of Crate and Barrel after my wedding.
