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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Manscaping: Hairy Subject!

 Images my mind conjured up when I heard the word manscaping:

Male models (especially Mr. David Beckham in that Armani underwear ad campaign)
 Olympic swimmers 

Steve Carell in the waxing scene of The 40 Year Old Virgin

Jerry Seinfeld in “the Muffin Tops” episode of Seinfeld where he tries to even out his chest hair (particularly the end of the episode where he howls like a werewolf)

Kramer introducing Frank Constanza to the “Bro” or “Manzier” – That is just how my brain works OK? (Man + landscaping = Manscaping + thinking about Seinfeld + funny word combinations = Bro or Manzier)
Talk about going from “Ooohh” to “Uggghhh” in less than 10 seconds!

Manscaping: a term that refers to the shaving, waxing, trimming and or grooming of superfluous hair on a male body, including below the belt. The term was made popular by a 2004 episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
Example: “I find really hairy men unattractive, manscaping is definitely a prerequisite for dating me,” blogged the single girl.

The topic of manscaping came up the other day and it really got me curious about what percentage of men practice this delicate art. Yes, delicate indeed! There has to be a fine balance between stubbly hairs that are prickly and itchy and full blown Chewbacca. And I guess it is not so easy – that’s why a caveman can’t do it, right? 

I adore guys who manscape. Manscaping goes beyond making you more physically attractive - it's hygiene too! I appreciate men who actually put in the effort to keep themselves looking presentable with and without clothes on. It shows that you care about yourself and about the woman you are with. I am realistic, unless you are a model or a competitive swimmer, I don't expect you to be completely hairless. I actually prefer some body hair - it's more natural. 

This is the 21st century. Men, it's OK to be metrosexual. So pluck those rogue hairs, wax that unibrow and take a firm stance on deforestation of the jungle you might be living in. And if you are new to manscaping, make sure you have the appropriate tools and techniques. Don't use a mower where you only need a trimmer. We will take notice, you will score points. We do it for you, you should return the favor. 

Guys and gals out there- what are your opinions on manscaping? What do you prefer? And gals, would you ever tell your significant other he needs manscaping? 


  1. The chest-hair comment is interesting. I think this may widely vary from woman to woman. I don't have much chest hair--just a little tuft in the middle--but some girlfriends have wanted it gone, others have been ambivalent, and others have been insistent I keep it.

  2. The "Uggghh" part was aimed at the pain and discomfort that goes along with actually having to wax or shave, not necessarily the chest hair it self. I think if it makes you comfortable, you should keep it!

  3. I am a too a firm believer of womanscaping! Brazilians hurt like a bitch, but a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do!
